Todos con nuestras obras proclamamos que para Dios nada es imposible.
We have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.
Vestry Church was founded by Dylan and Stacy Johnes in 1994 in the western suburbs of New York, USA. Now, Vestry has churches in city centres in 23 cities around the country.
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I know the usual reasoning in favor of dogs: cats are vicious, little tyrants while dogs are loyal friends. I’ve even heard people say that dogs love unconditionally. I agree …
Four years ago, a young boy nearly drowned at a waterpark in St. Holmen, Wisconsin. What made this incident particularly tragic was that there were several lifeguards
When I think of 2019, I am ashamed. On December 31st I sat on my bed wishing I could join the droves of people posting with thankfulness to God about …